Kendrick Lamar‘s altruistic message extends past To Pimp A Butterfly and the videos. It also applies to endorsements deals. Lamar is using the Reebok Ventilator to promote gang…

Missy Elliott took the stage Saturday night and rocked through nearly 20 years of hits.


Kendrick Lamar isn’t the most TMZ-friendly artist around. He’s the type to duck paparazzi and doesn’t ignite the rumor-mill with public relationship woes or extravagant purchases.…

What won’t Fox News say to make itself look dumb? In its latest, on the network’s The Five, the show touched on Kendrick Lamar‘s performance at…

Kendrick Lamar fortunately didn’t succumb to the violence surrounding him during his formative years in Compton: the children tainted by violence, trigger-happy policemen, the overall sense of…

Kendrick Lamar‘s powerful performance at the 2015 BET Awards apparently went over the heads of Fox News and network host Geraldo Rivera, who claimed the rapper’s lyrics about…

Confronting the stigma that millennial artists are less inclined to marry their craft with social issues, the 2015 BET Awards stood out as not only…

At its core, To Pimp A Butterfly is an album focused on black empowerment. However, it’s a dense album — from its themes to its conception. Kendrick Lamar still…

Fans of both Kendrick Lamar and Lady Gaga will remember that the two artists teamed up around three years ago for a collaboration on K.…

How the hell does Taylor Swift fit so many hits in that tiny frame? America’s sweetheart has gone bad and enlisted one of her biggest…

After a week of star-studded teasers for her “Bad Blood” video, noted Kendrick Lamar enthusiast Taylor Swift pulled off a surprise by landing K.Dot for…