All moms are superwomen, juggling countless tasks, acting as the family’s all-around go-to person, and making sure that everybody stays as happy and healthy as…

In the United States, black women are two to three times more likely to have fibroids than white women. These fibroids, which are noncancerous growths that…

According to CDC, vitamins are defined as “any of a group of organic compounds that are essential for normal growth, development and nutrition and are…

Have a question for the doctor? Text it to “646464″  (OHOHOH). Dr. Rachael Ross discusses how Viagra for women may help menstrual cramps.

Have a question for the doctor? Text it to “646464″ (OHOHOH). Dr. April Speed will go just about anywhere to spread the message about the…

For IPAD/IPOD users: Star Jones has reason to be excited about life these days. Not only is the TV personality working on a new multi-host…


Jacque Reid goes “Inside Her Story” with Dr. Gail Wyatt about Labiaplasty and women being self-conscious of how their vaginas look.

VIA:  FamilyDoctor.Org What Causes Depression? Depression is related to chemical in-balance in the brain that makes it hard for the cells to communicate with each other.  Depression can be triggered by a number of things including: stressful life events, drug or alcohol abuse, other illnesses, it can even be hereditary. What Are The Symptoms? Feeling […]

VIA:  Health.Com Dr. Roshini Raj a Health Magazine contributor and part of the Health Expert Network shares tips on how to keep your brain sharp.  Check out the segment below from her appearance on the Today Show. Visit for Breaking News, World News, and News about the Economy Click here for more…

VIA:  Health.Com What is episiotomy? An episiotomy is a cut that the doctor or midwife makes in the perineum (say “pair-uh-NEE-um”)—the skin and muscle between the vagina Click here to see an illustration. and anus. This cut is made just before the baby’s head is delivered. It makes the opening of the vagina larger. It […]

VIA:  Health.Com By:  Robert Preidt SOURCE: Radiological Society of North America, news release, Feb. 23, 2010 Dr. Janie Lee, and her collegues used statistical modeling to compare the costs and benefits of mammography alone, MRI alone, and mammography and MRI combined in a hypothetical group of 25-year-old women with BRCA1 mutations, which significantly increase the […]

VIA:  Health.Com By:  Harriett Brown Source:  Health Magazine Her doctor told her: “I have no idea what it is. Wait for it to go away.” It didn’t go away. “I could no longer think straight, no matter how hard I tried or what I did,” Price says. Worse, she suffered three straight miscarriages. Finally, four […]