
When the topic of on-screen sexual partners came up, the 'Scandal' star brought the discussion some humor.


In a highly anticipated interview with The Today Show‘s Matt Lauer earlier this week, Charlie Sheen, the Hollywood ‘bad boy’ everyone loves to hate, revealed that he has been living with HIV for the past four years. “It’s a hard three letters to absorb. It’s a turning point in one’s life,” a visibly anxious Sheen told […]

Hundreds supported Amber Rose's SlutWalk in Downtown, L.A. on Saturday. Muva proved she's here for the cause and even threw some shots Kanye's way...


Amber Rose has taken her role as a feminist to heights today when her Amber Rose SlutWalk swept through the streets of Los Angeles. An…

Amber Rose is gearing up to post a stop to the attempts by people for embracing her sexuality, and not living up to their idea…


“Slut shaming” is, more or less, the act of making a woman feel like a slut for any number of reasons from “provocative dress” to…