Any time you get on a social networking site, you’re inundated with people talking about “The Thirst.” Thirst is exactly what you think it…

With nearly 15,000 Facebook followers rooting for him, a cheating husband was able to earn back the trust of his estranged wife, after he posted…


While we were on break, a story broke about credit that blew my mind. Brace yourself for this: Watch the company you keep, because your…

Russell Simmons is the latest victim of social media backlash. A video purported to be Harriet Tubman’s sex tape hit his You Tube channel yesterday…

As a parent, I was surprised – and saddened — to learn that kids start watching porn as early as six years old and begin…


Mellody Hobson talks about wills during today’s “Money Mondays” segment. I’ve talked about the importance of getting your affairs in order to assure your wishes…

Death to Facebook and their invasive notifications! Seriously! Not too long ago, I was scrolling through my news feed and realized another one of my “friends”…


Former Secretary Of State Colin Powell’s (pictured) Facebook page was reportedly hacked, according to Gawker,. SEE ALSO: Retired Boxer Tony Martin Fatally Shot In Philly On…

The ladies of ABC’s ‘The View’ discuss the policy changes in regards to users’ photos on Instagram after it was announced earlier this week that…

With the growing number of teenagers with cell phones, there is a lot of text slang parents should know. Text slang is words and phrases used only through text messaging, instant messaging, and even social networking between people. This generation of preteens and teenagers were practically born with cell phones already attached to their hands. […]

Facebook and Twitter aren’t the only social media sites popping these days.  Social media sites focused on photographs – like Instagram and Pineterest – are blowing up. Possibly because there is something about the simplicity of a photograph.  It sends a message without words … and sometimes it does it with more power. Check out […]

Los Angeles based graffiti artists David Choe will be among the lucky few who will strike it rich when Facebook goes public later this year. In 2005 Sean Parker commissioned Choe to paint some kinky murals on the walls of Facebook’s early Silicon Valley HQ, and in 2008 Mark Zuckerberg asked him to paint tone […]