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We can never control the actions of our men. We can never be with them 100 percent of the day and yes there must be elements of trust in every relationship. However! That does not mean that we must be so trusting that we are foolish. Some men are weak. So weak that they sometimes needs assistance in preventing themselves from getting in trouble. This is why there are certain women that you, as his wife/girlfriend/ fiancé, keep him as far away from as possible. There are certain circumstances where you may have no choice but to allow him near her due to the fact that they may work together, or dated once. However, my advice to you is that if you cannot find a way, then you make a way. Having said that, the following are a short list of chicks to keep your man away from.

1. The Low Self Esteem Chick

You know this girl. The girl with self esteem so low that she will do almost anything for attention from a male. It does not matter how minuscule the attention is, she will take it. She is the one that is lacking self love and wants someone to confirm it for her. She needs men to tell her how beautiful and wonderful she is constantly. Sometimes chicks like this are unfortunate enough to rarely receive any male acknowledgment which is why they have to seek it out so desperately. Her antics sometimes appear to be over the top because in essence they are a cry for attention from anyone with a penis.

2. The Sluttish Friend

She is the one chick in your crew of friends who is a sweet heart and would give you her whole paycheck and food stamps if you needed it BUT (there always is a but with people who are too nice) she is a whore. She might also be a border line nymphomaniac. She will sleep with anyone and I do mean anyone. It does not matter to her if he is in a relationship, married, single, your daddy. She could care less about his relationship status and who he fathered. Her only goal is to get hers. She is the chick that will side line hate on you when you guys are at the club and she notices that guys are giving you more attention than her. This enrages her inside but she does not show her annoyance. Instead this is her cue to do some hoe s**t. Like motion for everyone in the group to look at her and then stick an entire popsicle down her throat without gagging then innocently giggle the words “wow, that was cold” . Please ladies, I call upon all of you to pop this chick in the back of her damn head when she commits such debaucherous acts.

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3. The Model Chick

I have some leniency with this chick because truth be told, she cannot help that she is gorgeous, or modelesque. Blame God for that one. This chick might be a good person at heart and have no ill intentions towards you or your relationship. The only problem with her is that she is every man’s dream girl and secretly every man fantasizes of boning a model chick. This has nothing to do with her necessarily being prettier than you but more so to do with egoism. It feels good to a man for him to utter the words “I nailed a model”. Why uttering those words is enough to make any strong, young vital man release some man ooze right in his pants legs. Despite her innocence in this, just to prevent temptation on your man’s part, keep these two as far apart as possible…..

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