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Well, that didn’t go so well.

There are a number of influential African Americans who agree with my colleague Sunny like NAACP President Cornell Brooks and National Urban League President Marc Morial.

Both gentleman say the word should never be used, not even by the President of the United States; that it’s beneath the dignity of the office.

I say the President is a university professor who knows the impact of words and how to give impact to a message.

I say he did the right thing because if he had just said the N-word no one would be talking about it.

It would not have had the impact that it had.

Now it’s time to discuss what the President actual message was beyond whether the word is offensive.

Listen to Don’s full commentary on the Tom Joyner Morning Show after clicking the “Play Audio” button. 

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Don Lemon: If Anyone Can Use The N-Word It’s The President  was originally published on

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