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NeNe Leakes Reportedly Refuses To See Her New Grandchild
Looks like NeNe is already tired of being a “GlamMother.
Reportedly, her oldest son Bryson Bryant has another granddaughter that she refuses to acknowledge. The child’s mother, Marina Robinson alleges that initially Bryson didn’t want his mother to know about the child. Robinson isn’t the mother of Bryson’s other children. Bryson’s fiancé, Ashley Hill recently gave birth to twin boys, Brayden and Benny in November.
Robinson claims Leakes eventually found out about her pregnancy and met her at the hospital.
“I immediately went down there and I was six months pregnant, and she knew,” said Robinson. “Then when I get to Atlanta she said only family could visit him. It was uncomfortable for me. She had attitude, she tried to disrespect me, disown me. She was pretty much like ‘you’re not part of the family.’ There was a lot of shade being thrown.”

From watching the “Real Housewives of Atlanta” we can believe this account actually happened. But do you think NeNe would go so far as too disown her own grandchild? We hope not.
Who knew Bryant had a whole tribe of kids across Atlanta? Hopefully, he’ll stay out of jail to be a good father to these kids.
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