We can’t say for sure whether Daily Caller reporter Neil Munro was racist for heckling President Barack Obama during his press conference on immigration last…

It’s My Affair and The Main Event were two of the 13 vendors awarded event planning contracts for the Democratic National Convention’s delegation parties this…

Actress Alfre Woodard joined Rep. Mel Watt, state Sen. Malcolm Graham and Johnson C. Smith University president Ron Carter to announce youth summit at JCSU during the Democratic National Convention. The press conference was supposed to be an announcement for UFuture – A Summit for Innovative Young Thinkers, but it quickly became a call to […]

Less than 24 hours after NC voters approved an amendment defining marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman, President Obama expressed…

Less than 24 hours after NC voters approved an amendment defining marriage as a legal union between a man and a woman, President Obama expressed his support for same sex marriage. The president’s evolution on the issue came after mounting media pressure sparked by Vice President Joe Biden and Sec. of Education Arne Duncan expressed […]

I’ve always had a love loathe relationship with Rev. Al Sharpton. As a child, I watched Sharpton standing in front of any and every television…

Gabrielle Union stopped by Chelsea Lately to talk Think Like A Man, in theaters today, along with her friendship with the Obamas and what life…

Where does one start with Michele Bachmann. This Republican non mother f*cking factor said a lot of reckless things in a recent interview with The…

Since the people working over at Team Romney enjoy scoring cheap political points via invented controversies, I hope Ted Nugent’s(pictured) recent comments about President Barack…

In an apology over a digitally manipulated and extremely offensive image of President Obama, conservative blogger, former WBT radio host and former Creative Loafing columnist, Tara Servatius resigned. The John Locke Foundation, a conservative think tank, also apologized. In her statement to the Charlotte Observer Servatius wrote: “I am genuinely sorry my inclusion of the […]

Michelle Obama stunned in an off-the-shoulder Marchesa teal gown Wednesday night as hostess for the White House state dinner honoring the British prime minister and…

via source: Star Connor/ Ophelia C. Productions President Obama made his first speech for the year 2012, in Mt. Holly North Carolina on yesterday. The President calls for more energy production of natural gas and an increase in alternative fuel vehicles on the nation’s roadways. Freightliner trucking company-Daimler Trucks, is known for making trucks with […]