Kanye West's controversial track "Famous" has caused him a heap of problems this year with everyone from Taylor Swift to Ray J.

SXSW is one of the most unique festivals in the world combining interactive, film, and music. The nine day festival in Austin, TX can be the best move you make all year if you conquer it. Although SXSW offers more events than we can even keep up with, don’t be overwhelmed. We have 12 secrets and tips […]

The curious death of Georgia teen Kendrick Johnson (pictured below) remains one of the most-baffling cases to date. On January 11, 2013, the 17-year-old Lowndes…

The first thing that strikes many about Amiri Baraka‘s poetry, most especially his later works, is that it carried the sharp tone of an oppressed,…

Countee Cullen (pictured), a poet who rose to fame during the Harlem Renaissance, was a contemporary of famed writer Zora Neale Hurston. Cullen amassed an…

Piyush Jindal (pictured) has the sort of story many immigrants (and minorities in general, for that matter) find inspirational. As the son of two Indian…

There are some White people who put the interests of animals above those of other human beings — specifically the darker ones. Normally, I’d try to…


Three years ago on January 8th, a mass shooting in Arizona took the lives of 6 innocent people and nearly killed U.S. Congresswoman Gabby Giffords.…

Tuskegee Institute student Samuel “Sammy” Younge‘s (pictured) death was an unfortunate first in the history books as it relates to the Civil Rights Movement. On…

Community Heroes: an in-depth series on the lives and impact of people giving back to our global communities. Kevin Powell, Activist, Public Speaker & President…

There are some artist that just take you back with their discography and open the floodgates of memories with every song. You know the ones:…

Abolitionist John Brown and his attempted armed overthrow of slavery met its end after his raid on Harper’s Ferry, Va. was thwarted by enemy forces.…