
Comic book legend and writer Stan Lee weighed in on why Michael B. Jordan was cast as The Human Torch in the new Fantastic Four reboot movie,…

As ridiculously over-the-top as the Rocky series has been through its six entries, even Sylvester Stallone has his limits. The man is too damn old to be boxing and…

Confronting the stigma that millennial artists are less inclined to marry their craft with social issues, the 2015 BET Awards stood out as not only…


If you need weekend plans or just an excuse to escape the summer heat, we've got you covered with all of the flicks you need on your radar.

If “ethnic casting” is a problem for some movie fans, Zoe Saldana is reminding everyone that Hollywood has an old habit of whitewashing characters of color. Many comic fans were highly upset when Michael B. Jordan was cast as the Human Torch in the upcoming Fantastic Four reboot. He’s Black, but the character has always […]


Michael B. Jordan (Fruitvale Station), is pushing back against racist outrage over his role as superhero Johnny Storm in the upcoming Fantastic Four film. In a…

Actor Michael B. Jordan is acutely aware the Marvel character Johnny Storm was originally written as a white man with blonde hair and blue eyes.…

Michael Bae Jordan is not here for the haters who have been trolling him online due to him being cast as The Human Torch in…

Photos are worth a thousand words, and one snap of Michael B. Jordan and Kim Kardashian’s little sister, Kendall Jenner set the Internet into flame emojis…

It’s a sad day for your girl. There’s rumors swirling around that Michael B. Jordan and the least hated Kardashian who’s not a Kardashian, Kendall Jenner, are…