Parents of former Little League baseball players from the Jackie Robinson West team in Chicago have sued multiple parties over scrutiny their children faced after they were stripped of their national title two years ago.


Ontario-bred ballerina Katlyn Addison became the third Black dancer to play the role of the Sugar Plum Fairy in Ballet West’s Nutcracker production.


Jackie Robinson West, the championship Chicago baseball team, is cutting ties with the Little League to join the Babe Ruth League, reports the Chicago Tribune.…

Mo’ne Davis, you know, the first Little Leaguer to be on the cover of Sports Illustrated, was a special guest for the basketball team the…

Little League International stripped Chicago’s Jackie Robinson West Little League of the 2014 United States title and vacated all the games it won for using ineligible…

Jackie Robinson West has been stripped of the U.S. Little League Championship that they worked so hard to earn at the Little League World Series…

Congrats seem to always be in order for the Little League diva Mo’Ne Davis. Not only has she broken records leading her team, the Philadelphia…


Mo’Ne Davis, 13, led her Little League team to the World Series when she struck out six batters Sunday. The Philadelphia native plays for the Taney…