VH1 has given fashionistas and reality TV junkies everywhere the first glimpse of Nicole Richie’s reality show “Candidly Nicole.” Nicole Richie can do a lot…

In Case You Missed It

June doesn’t only mark the beginning of summer, but marks nonstop tours from your favorite artists! This time of year is the highly anticipated Black…


Tuskegee University in Tuskegee, Alabama is the first black college to be considered a registered national historic landmark and the only to be declared a…

Everybody can agree that music is a universal language. Many American musicians make note of the fact foreign audiences don’t understand what they’re saying when they are speaking, but the audience sings every word to their songs. Well, what happens when an audience speaks a musician’s native tongue fluently and they still don’t understand what […]

As the summer season makes its exit, so are men and women leaving summer romances. Depending on the people, most break ups are hard but you get over them fairly easily. In other cases, you’re distraught and can’t contain the outpouring of emotion. That’s fine. Do what you need to do to get over a […]

VIA:  TheUrbanDaily.com, Gather.com, CNN.com Twenty-five years ago Michael Jackson was joined by some of music’s biggest names in an effort to show the USA’s support for Africa.  People like Bruce Springsteen, Tina Turner, Stevie Wonder, Cindy Lauper, Ray Charles, Harry Bellafonte, his siblings Randy Jackson & Latoya Jackson, Bob Dylan, Paul Simon, Diana Ross, and Willie Nelson joined […]