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This is a plea to parents, teachers and any other adult who plays a role in a child’s life. In the past several weeks, there have various cases of young kids and teens committing suicide due to the constant bullying that they are experiencing at school. Thus far the reactions over their deaths have been mixed. What I have noticed from the commentary regarding their deaths is that there are adults who feel as though these kids should have gotten over being bullied, and should not have been so sensitive.

Granted I do think that the kids of this generation may be prone to be more sensitive and that may be a part of the overall reason why the bullying is overwhelming to them. However, by no means do I think that the act of bullying is justifiable and something that kids should just “get over”.  For starters, it is not the child’s job alone to protect themselves. It is the parents as well. In fact it is more so the adults in that child’s life role.

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I also think that it is deeper than the kids merely being overly sensitive. It is obvious that these kids are in a constant state of frightened self reliance and feel as though there is no one there to save them. For that reason I feel that more parents should become involved in their children’s lives. If you have a child who has informed you that they are being tormented at school by another student then it is your job to follow through and speak to someone at the school. It is your job to at least make the effort to find a way to put a stop to the bullying. It is your job to at least try, even if you don’t necessarily have the time or think that the situation is that dire. It is your job to express interest in your child’s happiness and peace of mind. It is also your job to make your children aware that they are not alone and that there are people who are willing to listen.

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I have issues with the teachers and other authority figures at school as well. Obviously there is a disconnect between them and the students. Somewhere along the line, the students stopped feeling as though they could confide in teachers when they were being harassed. Somehow they now feel that telling will do them no justice. These kids are under the impression that there is no one who can protect or help them and the only way out of their personal hell is by killing themselves. That is a warped state of mind. How did we allow our children to get there? What are we as adults’ not doing that is making them believe that they are so alone?

It is also the job of the parents whose kids are doing the bullying to put an end to it once they discover it is happening. They are as much to blame for their child’s behavior as the child is. Your child should not think that it is acceptable for them to be a tyrant at school. For More LJ Knight Check Out YeahSheSaidIt