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Ladies, I’m sure at one time or another you’ve had to deal with this have a friend, co-worker or even a family member who has a weave but something is just not right…the hair is not blended properly, the texture is all wrong but you’re afraid to speak your mind. Here are some tips on how to achieve a natural look while wearing a weave:

1) Try to match the hair to YOUR hair and hair color.  Ladies if your hair is not bone straight,  please don’t waste your money and get the super straight hair.  You want your weave to look natural. If you want to go lighter, you can always color your hair to achieve this by using a temporary or permanent dye. If you’re going to spend the money, get good quality hair, after all this is an investment.

Let’s Talk Hair! See What Women Just Like You Are Saying

2) Blend, Blend, Blend. If you get a full weave and you leave out some of your hair for a more natural look, there are a few ways to style it so that it will blend with the hair weaved in. Invest in a  curling iron or flat iron. Make sure you curl or flat iron the hair so it blends easier.

3) Maintain. Take care of your weave the same way you would with your natural hair, and it will last for months. Make sure you comb it out before washing and avoid using alcohol and harsh products when you wash, condition and style. If you have the extra money, go to the person who weaved your hair and have them wash and style it, this way you know it’s been take care of correctly.

You hair is a reflection of who you are, treat it with care and it will last long and look very natural.


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