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It took many years but a woman dating a much younger man is finally becoming acceptable. Could there finally be a glimmer of hope that the double standard is fading? For years, men dated younger women and it was acceptable. An older man is considered distinguished. He even has more favorable nicknames like “sugar daddy” and “big poppa”. While an older woman who dates a younger man was seen as desperate and lonely or that something was wrong with her for not being able to find a man her own age.  It is also thought that she must only be dating this younger man for sex.  After all, younger men tend to have longer stamina’s and are more equipped to please an older woman. They also are easier to teach since they are like blank canvasses because of their age. Either way all of the reasons that an older woman dates a younger man were mostly negative. There definitely was a double standard in effect.

Well, it looks as if that paradigm is slowly shifting. Women like Vivica Fox, Demi Moore and others are maintaining their sexy and finding young men. Being considered a cougar isn’t such a bad thing now. Not only are they dating them but they are also marrying younger men in some cases.

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This shift in thought towards older women has coined the term “cougar”. These cougars are women who are mature mentally, their career is booming, they are still healthy and fit. Did I mention that they are beautiful as well? Personally, I have no problem with an older man dating a younger woman or vice versa. I think that it is about time that the negative stigma is removed from older women in general in exchange for something more seductive and sexy like cougars. It always annoyed me that men are considered to become better, wiser, and sexier with time. While a woman’s beauty is thought to decrease with age. So much so that her husband might trade her in for a younger model.  Perhaps now the playing field can become equal.

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Kandi & Malik Yoba: “Cougars vs Dirty Old Men”