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Pastor At Life Tabernacle Church In Baton Rouge Holds Easter Service Amid Coronavirus Pandemic

Source: Chris Graythen / Getty

As horrific as the COVID-19 pandemic has been to the world, the war on the virus has made most come together because we are after all in this together.  But unfortunately some people want people to come together in a manor that may put them at risk for coronavirus now these somebodies want the stimulus check that was rendered to them.

Life Tabernacle Church in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Pastor Tony Spell, has made news for continuing to have his parishioners worship in his church even though Louisiana governor John Bel Edwards banned gatherings of more than 50 people, a gathering that police have threatened the pastor with arrest over.  It was reported a few days ago that one of his parishioners passed away due to COVID-19.

Now today the pastor has two strikes on him for not behaving in let’s say, in a very spiritual way.

Strike one an arrest warrant has been issued for Pastor Tony Spell for an aggravated assault that was caught on video [see video below]:

“An arrest warrant was issued today charging Pastor Spell with aggravated assault for his actions on April 19, 2020, where he backed his bus down the shoulder of the road. The protester contacted Central Police Department along with a witness who observed the incident and provided video footage of the incident in question.”

Strike two Pastor Tony Spell wants his parishioners to drop their stimulus checks into the collection plate.

Take a look a Pastor Tony Spell defend his request for his flock to donate their stimulus checks in the video below.

Sam Sylk Show with Bijou Star

Source: Radio One Digital

Pastor Wants His Flocks Stimulus Checks & Arrest Warrant Issued  was originally published on