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NewsOne’s PolitickerOne blog tackles some of the most important topics in politics: Election 2016, moves by the Obama administration, voting rights, lawmaking, and the way that elected officials represent our communities. Three times a week, we will go beyond the mainstream media’s “pack” coverage of politics to highlight the underreported aspects of how politics and policy affect you and the people you care about. In between, follow the conversation on Twitter at #PolitickerOne.

Just days after former President Bill Clinton used his White privilege to lecture Black Lives Matter protesters, Hillary Clinton engaged in her own faux pas regarding, well, African-Americans.

The incident occurred Saturday evening when Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton made a surprise visit to the Inner Circle dinner, an annual black-tie affair for the city’s press corps, lobbyists and lawmakers, according to The New York Times:

“Thanks for the endorsement, Bill,” Mrs. Clinton said to Mr. de Blasio, a former aide to Mrs. Clinton when she was a senator from New York who nonetheless dallied in supporting her. “Took you long enough.”

“Sorry, Hillary,” Mr. de Blasio said. “I was running on C.P. time,” a reference to the stereotype “Colored People Time,” which drew some cringes from the audience.

Hamilton actor Leslie Odom Jr, who is black and appeared to be in on the joke, interrupted: “That’s not — I don’t like jokes like that, Bill.”

Mrs. Clinton jumped in. “Cautious politician time. I’ve been there,” she said.

Last week, Bill Clinton stirred up controversy when he lectured Black Lives Matter protesters who interrupted one of his campaign speeches in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The activists also condemned then-first lady Hillary Clinton for a 1996 speech about violent crime committed by young people, during which she called them “super-predators.” They also complained about Bill Clinton’s 1994 crime bill.

Apparently, someone forgot to tell the Clintons that the Black community no longer needs them as surrogates after Barack Obama was twice elected president. We hope word reaches them soon, because the community is tired of their condescension. And de Blasio, who is married to a Black woman, should know better. Sound off in the comments…

SOURCE: New York Times | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty


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Is Hillary Clinton Pandering To Voters Of Color?

Hillary Clinton & Mayor De Blasio Slammed Over “Colored People’s Time” Joke  was originally published on