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Tamir’s mother Samaria Rice released a statement stating they were devastated and in pain over the non-indictments.

They believe the prosecutor, Tim McGinty mishandled the case and was advocating for the officers instead of Tamir.

They also say they have no trust in what they view as a corrupt local criminal-justice system; and like the Bland family, the Rice family is hoping justice will be served at the federal level.

They have also encouraged those who want to protest to do so peacefully and democratically.

Once again, the grand jury process is under scrutiny for lack of transparency.

The U.S Attorney’s Office says they are watching the case closely but civil rights violations are a very high bar to clear.

While there is a potential for federal charges, the grand jury, which is the community and the state, have spoken.

Tamir’s family may eventually get the justice they want federally or civilly but neither of those is guaranteed.

Keep in mind, the Justice Department also investigated the Michael Brown – Darren Wilson case and also found no cause to indict the officer.

There was no video in the Brown case.

But in the Rice case, prosecutors contend the video and the evidence back up the officers because the tape shows Rice drawing the weapon from his waist, and the evidence shows the dispatcher never told the officers that the gun the 12-year old was carrying was likely a toy one.

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Don Lemon: No Indictments in Tamir Rice Case, Now What?  was originally published on

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