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Iron Mike Tyson is known as one of the baddest men on the planet. He once told a reporter, “My style is impetuous, my defense is impregnable, and I’m just ferocious. I want your heart. I want to eat his children,” but then he had enough respect for the higher power to close his rant with, “Praise be to Allah.”

That quote alone was enough reason for us to get the funniest people on Twitter to try to decipher some of Mike Tyson’s tweets. To our surprise, we discovered that Mike’s 140 characters were rather docile, and very enlightening. So much so, we started to question where he was getting this stuff.

In true Tyson fashion, he let us know that one of the scariest dolls of all time wasn’t that scary, so he decided to do something interesting with it.

Yes, this episode of Socially Decoded might be one of the best. Watch it above.

Socially Decoded: Mike Tyson’s Deepest Thoughts Finally Explained  was originally published on