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Perhaps Clinton was simply pre-occupied by all the controversy surrounding the revelations that she didn’t have a government e-mail account as Secretary of State, instead using a personal account. Critics have said the practice raises questions about her commitment to transparency and public-records guidelines.

For the first time since the e-mail scandal broke, Clinton held a press conference Tuesday to address the fallout. She said repeatedly that she used the personal e-mail account only as a matter of “convenience.”

While speaking in Miami last week, Clinton mentioned “Bloody Sunday,” calling the event “a historic anniversary of the long march of towards equality and a more perfect union. But also recommitting to carry the cause forward into the 21st century.”

It was too little, too late. Speaking about the “Bloody Sunday” event from Miami instead of from Selma frankly seemed like an afterthought and perhaps even a slight to African-American citizens who are feeling legitimately disrespected by a Republican-controlled Congress and the virulent racism that seems to be more widespread everyday.

While Black legislators blasted Republicans for not showing up in Selma, members of the Congressional Black Caucus did not publicly criticize Clinton for skipping the event, perhaps because Clinton may be the only Democratic candidate who can rally a multicultural electorate and win the White House in 2016.

Clinton has not formally announced her candidacy for president, so we don’t know whether she’ll run or not though I suspect she will toss her hat in the ring. That being the case, Clinton should have stood shoulder-to-shoulder with all the other demonstrators in Selma and publicly declared her support for civil rights legislation.

Clinton took her stand for social justice from Miami, but ultimately, she should have stood where the people that mattered most to her election could see her.

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Hillary Clinton Wants Our Vote – So Why Wasn’t She In Selma?  was originally published on

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