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Bill O’Reilly welcomed Martin Luther King, III on his show for the most hateful segment in the history of his show. Always known to be a loose cannon, especially when speaking against Black people, O’Reilly seems to agree with King when he mentions the unity that needs to be more prevalent in America. But once O’Reilly starts suggesting alternate T-shirts for Black supporters of Eric Garner to wear that instead of saying, “I Can’t Breathe,” say “Don’t Abandon Your Children” or “Don’t Get Pregnant At 14,” he goes into his typical disdain for Black people and insults us all.

MUST READ: Cop Designs ‘Breathe Easy, Don’t Break The Law’ T-Shirts & We’re Like No, You Don’t Get To Do That

King said, “Our nation does need to hear a unifying message that brings us together. The African-American community may not always suggest that it is constantly a victim, but while there are victim situations, you can overcome those situations and become successful.”

O’Reilly claims that what King is saying is not what Samuel L. Jackson or President Obama is saying. He continues:

“I don’t mind President Obama saying to LeBron James, ‘Look, I’m with you.’ And that’s what he did,” O’Reilly mused. “But he also has to provide some leadership in the sense of saying just what you said. Just exactly what you said. You know what, we fight the injustice and we realize it’s there, but we love our country, we applaud the progress we’ve made, and here is a pathway to success. You know, don’t abandon your children. Don’t get pregnant at 14. Don’t allow your neighborhoods to deteriorate into free fire zones. That’s what the African-American community should have on their T-shirts. Am I wrong?”

Yes! There’s nothing about those T-shirts that could help shift the world’s perspective on how threatening, violent or criminal the Black man is. The “I Can’t Breathe” T-shirts symbolize something bigger than Eric Garner’s last words. It represents a climate in America that is shockingly racist and the nature of police force being extremely brutal against Black men when it doesn’t need to be.

O’Reilly is especially wrong when he assumes that something similar to Don Lemon’s 5-point plan to eradicate racism would actually work. With O’Reilly’s logic, Black women are the only teen mothers, Black people are the only people who’s neighborhoods break down. Black parents are the only ones who abandon their children and it’s because of these beliefs that racism exists in the first place!

And if this segment couldn’t get any worse…

When O’Reilly asked King if he thinks America is a “noble nation,” King said yes and O’Reilly questioned King’s feelings because “your father was gunned down by a White racist, killed, his life taken, but yet you, his oldest son believes America is a noble nation…” Sir, seriously? The cold and harsh way that he even mentioned one of the greatest civil rights leaders in the world’s death was just so careless. And then O’Reilly brings his insults full circle by calling out demonstrators, commentators and actors like Samuel L. Jackson, calling the song he’s urging people to sing “stupid” and thinks that our support of Michael Brown, Tamir Rice, Eric Garner and the like in regards to fighting systematic racism is “insulting.” Well O’Reilly forgive us for fighting for something we believe in and being outraged that law enforcement, many of them who happen to be White, find our lives to be trash and any chance they get, they’re ready and willing to waste us.

What do you think of this segment beauties? Sound off in the comments below.


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Bill O’Reilly Thinks Black People Should Wear ‘Don’t Get Pregnant At 14′ T-Shirts & We’re Like That’s Not How This Works  was originally published on