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Demonstrators Gather In Philadelphia To Protest Eric Garner Grand Jury Decision

NBC wasn’t going to allow a few people demanding justice for Eric Garner spoil their fun on Wednesday night as they jammed out to Christmas carols in Rockefeller Center.

Had you been watching NBC’s Christmas Tree Lightning last night, what you might have noticed aside from Mariah Carey floundering on stage is that the network never acknowledged protesters taking to the streets in outrage that the police officer that choked Eric Garner to death would not be indicted.

This is the second time three weeks that officers got away with killing Black men, and socially conscious members of the American public are mad. Sadly, NBC could not be bothered to notice because Christmas!

Though NBC was playing dumb, protesters were making themselves heard as a rumbling undertone to the celebs singing carols and spreading holiday cheer.

MUST READ: Obama On No Indictment In Eric Garner Case: “This Is An American Problem.”

NBC missed a huge opportunity in its coverage–and beyond that just acknowledging the fact that there would be no justice for a man that was literally killed for nothing! The network could have had a moment of silence for Eric during the Christmas celebration;  reporters could have given guests a quick update on what was going on just steps away. Failing that cameras could have panned to the street for a few seconds and run a text box to explain what viewers were looking at.

The point here is that NBC had a number of options to participate in the conversation that it was going on all around its tree lighting. There was no excuse for NBC to go on as if a major event in the history of American civil rights was not taking place just steps away.

NBC was already right in the middle of the story, so there was absolutely no reason not to cover it.


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NBC Tunes Out Eric Garner Protesters In Favor Of Holiday Cheer & We’re Like Fail!  was originally published on