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We loved that your title suggestions came via social media.

I love to bring my social media friends into whatever I’m doing. It keeps us all connected. Once I described the book to them, they started suggesting titles. She gets involved with this white boy and he comes from the other side of the tracks. He’s all wrong on every level but you know it’s a cautionary tale that a lot of times women cannot resist that bad boy.

You’ve got a hand in a lot of projects. And you have a partnership with [former Motown executive turned film producer] Suzanne DePasse.

The talk show and it’s great and I love doing it. We’re in our fifth season and we’re renewed through 2017-18. But I always have to keep my eyes on beyond the talk show. How am I going to make money? We’ve got a big announcement to make later this year.

Celebrity Undercover airs on Oxygen on Tuesday nights at 10:30 p.m.

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Wendy Williams Wants to Be All Over Your TV  was originally published on

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