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Weaver, who said he had played “Knockout” about seven times before, apologized to the victim after he was shot.

“I’m sorry, please don’t kill me,” Weaver said. “I don’t know why I did that. I’m high, you know. I just wanna go home.”

Weaver, who was arrested and is now in jail, told reporters that he is remorseful.

“It was just a lesson learned,” Weaver sad. “I wish I hadn’t played the game at all.”

But Lansing police said Weaver’s story should serve as warning to others who play the “Knockout” game.

“There’s a price to pay if they wind up doing it,” Lansing Police spokesman Robert Merritt said.

The intended victim in Michigan was not charged with a crime because he was carrying a legal handgun. But it would behoove citizens who are thinking about arming themselves to ask their local law enforcement officials about gun laws in their cities.

Not every citizen will want to carry a gun. So should more Americans arm themselves with mace, or take a self-defense class, to defend themselves against “Knockout?

Meanwhile, Rev. Al Sharpton rightfully condemned “Knockout” attacks by some black teens.

“This kind of behavior is deplorable and must be condemned by all us,” Sharpton said last weekend. “We would not be silent if it was the other way around. We cannot be silent or in any way reluctant to confront it when it is coming from our own community.”

“Kids are randomly knocking out people [from] another race — some specifically going at Jewish people,” he added. “This kind of insane thuggery — there is nothing cute about that. There is no game play about knocking somebody out, and it is not a game. It is an assault and is bias, and it is wrong.”

What do you think?

ANALYSIS: Should Unsuspecting Citizens Defend Themselves Against ‘Knockout?’  was originally published on

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