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While the article has a lot of information that I think hits the nail on the head, I’m not buying this study completely.

There have just got to be some happy mediums out there, guys who are fun, energetic, hard working and sexy who have put away childish things for good … or at least the majority of the time.

So, yeah, I’ll laugh at some bathroom humor and do a load of laundry – but I will never wash a pair of Sponge Bob Pajamas for any man with body hair, including my sons.  That’s just a deal breaker.

But sadly, some women seem to believe having a silly man-child is their fate.

Eight out of ten believe that men ‘never stop being childish’ – with breaking wind, burping, eating fast food in the early hours and playing videogames – while 46 percent of women have had a relationship in which they felt they had to mother their partner a bit too much.

If there’s a bright side to this story, I guess is the idea that immaturity helps men bond better with children.  But even kids lose respect for a male adult who doesn’t know when it’s time to man up.

The news is full of stories of what happens to parents of both sexes who think being friends with their children is a good thing.  Sadly, Michael Jackson and Bobby Brown are just two examples of what can happen when men refuse to grow up.

This Father’s Day it would be nice if every dad recognized his role as leader, provider, confidant and occasional buddy to his children.

What a gift that would be for all of us!

Man or Child: Which One Are You in Bed With?  was originally published on

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