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President Obama, turns and looks at the crowd of over 300,000 people that was at the Washington Mall that was in attendance for his inauguration, savoring the moment.  I took this as a life lesson, and gave advice to one of our FB listeners.

Hi Fly Ty,

I’m sure your mailbox is flooded with messages on the daily and hopefully this one will not get lost in the mix. I have been listening to you on the radio since I arrived in Charlotte back in 1991. As a FB follower I have noticed how you work hard, play hard AND make time for your boys. How do you balance it all? I am a mother of 3 in a relationship and working full-time and I can never seem to find enough hours in the day to get it all done. You should do a segment on how to Balance Your Life!!

I hope to hear from you soon

Tammy Walker

My response:

Thanks for sending me a great question Tammy,

Sometimes I wonder about it myself….But, the Key thing is PRIORITIZE! God, Family, Work, Friends, Time to Self, and Play….in that order. When you first set things in order as a priority, all other things tend to fall into place, But for those who don’t have the time, my key statement is to MAKE TIME! Sometimes you have to force yourself to take time out for the important things in life, you only have 1 life to live so live it to the fullest…especially with family and those who you care for the most, priceless moments can never be replaced, some people get so caught up in working, that they never take time to enjoy the things they work so hard for! Ex. Working hard, to pay a house note or car payment, and never get to really just enjoy your home or drive your car only when its necessary. I especially feel that may about family, because there was a time when I lived in another state, and I feel like I missed out on some very precious moments that I can NEVER get back, at that moment when I reunited with my children, i said never again, if I can help it, will I miss another birthday party, graduation, family outing, or whatever! I made up in my mind that I’m gonna embrace the most precious things in life, and when i did that I feel like i became a better person, and began to LOVE the life I was living. I leave you with this, ARE YOU LIVING OR JUST EXISTING? meaning, are you living the very best life you wanna live, are you taking time out to smell the roses, are you embracing every moment and savoring it! Over the weekend I saw our President Barak Obama, speak at his ceremonial inauguration, after he left the podium, and was about to exit the Washington Mall, the same place where Dr. King spoke…He all of a sudden turned and paused, they he said ” I want to remember this moment” as he looked at 300,000 people who cheered him on. Pres. Obama said “I’m NEVER gonna see this again” that’s what I call living life to it’s fullest. Hope I gave you a little incite on how I believe, thanks for the love and support.