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Professional success and personal happiness in this society are what we strive for daily. Having the impetus to continually work toward a healthy balance of the two can be overwhelming especially if you’ve been a bit weathered by life itself.  Being successful at work is not the equivalent of personal happiness nor is it vice versa; although having one can boost your optimism for the other. When life throws you curve balls via job loss, house foreclosure, abusive relationships, failed marriages, unexpected children, slow growth on your career path, having not found your “soul mate” yet, etc., it can be difficult to brush it off and keep pressing on.

Here are a few tips to help you achieve forward motion in the quest for a healthy measure of success and happiness in all areas of life:

  • Get clear. How can you know what is expected of you if you are not clear about what exactly you are trying to achieve? In the workplace you must get clear direction from your superior. In your relationships you have to have an open dialog about what you are trying to gain collectively and what are you “bottom line” of needs. Likewise, if you are currently not in a relationship or on a job, you should get a blank journal book for each and begin to clearly define for yourself what you require to be happy and successful in your career and at home. Be specific in your wants, needs and desires so that you can begin to focus your energy toward those things and most certainly, when you believe that it is possible for you then you will begin to see opportunities open for you in the direction of your vision.
  • Set forth your intentions. You cannot hit a target if you cannot see it.  Once you have become clear about what you want from your career and in your love life then you can start to visualize yourself in that space. If you have been unfulfilled in past relationships, with lovers and workplace it will be challenging get out of the cycle of being unfulfilled. Visualizing yourself as you would like to experience your relationships and successful career opens your mind on a subconscious level to the belief that obtaining these things is actually a possibility for YOU. Hitting your target is much easier if you can see what it is that you are aiming for, so set forth your intentions.
  • Seek out necessary resources. When you stop learning you should be dead – I mean that literally. The time to learn is now and always. Read books, go to seminars, buy programs that will help you advance, attend retreats, talk to your mentors, have lunch with the CEO of your company and other successful people in life, and do whatever it takes to develop the necessary tools for obtaining massive success, abundance and overflowing love. No need to wait until the need arises to learn a new skill, by that time you are already behind the curve. Add the knowledge to your toolbox and when needed you will instinctively use what you already know.
  • Push beyond your limitations. While comfort zones are comfortable, they are also limiting.  Sometimes we get caught in these comfort zones and mistake them for what is “meant to be” but you’ll find that if you are willing to push yourself out of this space you will likely be met with success and happiness beyond your imagination. If you’ve only ever dated one type of person then open yourself to others. African American women are notorious for this by exclusively dating within the race, but the love of her life may not be of her nationality and by limiting herself; she’ll never have the opportunity to find out. If you’ve only ever worked one type of job, it may be time to adapt your skill set and look into another. There’s the old adage that says if you do what you’ve always done then you’ll get what you’ve always gotten. That couldn’t be more truthful. Is it time for you to push beyond your limitations?
  • Go above and beyond. Don’t be afraid to take on new challenges without being instructed to do so.  Take the initiative to do more than is expected of you. Since mediocrity is the norm your enthusiastic efforts to do more will be noticed and presumably rewarded. More importantly, you will begin to have higher standards for yourself which will undoubtedly set you apart from the rest. And as you know, top quality positions take top quality people to fill them; professionally and personally. If it is your intention to secure a worthy position in your career and love life, then it is up to you to standout from the crowd.
  • Take action now. Procrastination can be your worst enemy. The most common reasons that people procrastinate is because they don’t know where/how to begin, it appears overwhelming, they haven’t obtained the proper resources and they are afraid of change. Rarely is it because they are lazy. Laziness is something completely different. There is no better time than now to take action toward achieving your own success and happiness. NOW is the right time to get clear, set forth your intentions, seek out the necessary resources, push beyond your limitations, and to go above and beyond. Are you not worth a successful career, a happy home and enjoying the love of your life? It is up to you to put your plan in motion.

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