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Whether we like it or not, many people still wish (sometimes subconsciously or quietly) to find someone who can be a “breadwinner” for various reasons – so they can stay home to raise children, focus on a dream career that has yet to produce reliable income, or simply for material comfort. In an effort to steer you (and your pockets) in the right direction, here are’s seven signs that you’re dating a gold digger:

The person you’re seeing always has their hand out: According to a poll done by Baje Fletcher, the author of A Gold Digger’s Guide, 40-50% of the women the average man dates will ask for money at some point. On the flip side, based on past experiences of friends and family members, she states that only 2% of women will say the same of the men they date. Outside of basic courtship, if coming out of pocket becomes a regular routine take that as a sign that you’re on the path to creating a dependent relationship as opposed to a symbiotic one.


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