Cheating is a terrible, terrible thing. And yet and many of us have had a penchant for doing it. Some people believe it’s because we’re…

The girls' intense and long period of social isolation will require special practices to aid their integration back into the public.

We know that even in 2015, women earn less than men for the same work. It’s unfortunate and we work to change the system. But…

Healthy competition between sisters is great. It’s when that healthy competition turns into comparison and manipulation that we start getting in our own way of…

“The single story creates stereotypes and the problem with stereotypes is not that they are untrue, but that they are incomplete. They make one story…

Ahhh, the mid-twenties. You’ve left some of the ways of your youth behind and maybe you are starting to feel like adulthood is here to…

Sometimes being a woman is a lot harder than it looks. And if you’ve ever tried to explain this to men, you are mostly met…

“Women of color struggle every day with biases that perpetuate oppressive standards for how they’re supposed to look and how they’re supposed to act. Too often,…

India conducted a state-run mass sterilization campaign that went horribly wrong, killing 11 women and putting 60 or more in critical condition at Nemi Chand…


Another day, another study on dating and marriage for black women. The latest wave of research has come from online dating sites, which has analyzed the…

We already know John Legend knows how to write a love song. But in his new video, “You and I (Nobody In The World)” Legend…