Comedian Adele Givens says Sheryl Underwood is a ‘damn lie.” That’s after reports that The Talk star and comedian revealed as her ‘secret’ on the…

The Queens of Comedy are not amused by Sheryl Underwood’s accusations that they shaded her into rejecting a spot on their tour. Earlier this week,…

“The Talk,” CBS’ answer to the ABC talk show franchise “The View” is in it’s fourth season and already there’s been controversy. Sheryl Underwood angered…

The hilariously funny Sheryl Underwood joined Carol Blackmon (Atlanta’s Majic 107.5/97.5) over the weekend.  During the show she discussed how she landed her role on “The Talk.” It’s a hilariously funny interview – not that we would expect anything less from Sheryl Underwood. You have to check it out.