Lil Kim has made several drastic changes to her appearance over the years, and though it’s no secret, it still comes as somewhat of shock each time. Her latest change has prompted some harsh comments from fans. Jeff Johnson explains why such a route is not the way to go. Click on the audio player to hear […]

Countess Vaughn posts a picture with make up that was too light. Instagram rips her apart for it.


The Ivory Coast has officially banned skin-whitening creams because of health concerns. CNN reports that the country’s health minister said that “cosmetic lightening and hygiene creams… that de-pigment…

Gabourey Sidibe appears on the cover of the October 2010 issue of Elle magazine. The feature regards her as one of the mag’s favorite 25-something entertainers. But while the title is something to be proud of, it seems the cover isn’t. Elle magazine is under fire for allegedly lightening the skin of the actress. Of […]