Radio One

Whether it’s saving for the holidays, a major purchase or for emergencies, use this simple guide to help you capitalize on these savings and keep more money in your pocket.

These two for whatever reason have an uncanny ability to keep serving up the crazy and in this week’s news on the two we learn…

US Banks take in over $38 billion in overdraft fees, which equate to more than 75% of the fees they charge on consumer deposits period. With the economy so tight these days, do you really have additional money to throw out the window? As I often remind my clients, banks are not charities; they will […]

An enabler is one that enables another to achieve an end; especially: one who enables another to persist in self-destructive behavior (as substance abuse) by providing excuses or by making it possible to avoid the consequences of such behavior. Before you move on to your next post feeling some peculiar air of superiority, please note […]

Time is winding down, but if you are proactive instead of reactive, it’s not too late to take advantage of a few tax tips that can save you big bucks on your 2010 tax return! Any tax professional will tell you that the most beneficial tax preparation won’t take place in April; it begins in […]

Money is powerful, and it can become a real beast in a relationship! Money can cause severe marriage or relationship problems – especially if you don’t have enough. According to Dr Judy Kuriansky, author of The Complete Idiot’s Guide to a Healthy Relationship, money is one of the top three sources of tension between couples. […]