
The major headline in most newspapers and media outlets was the notion that the national poverty rate remained virtually unchanged from the previous year. While…

GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney found himself in the cross-hairs of President Obama’s campaign team after a conference call on Monday. SEE ALSO: The Election-Season Poverty Tour…

Nicki Minaj (pictured) made quite a stir in the political arena recently, after she placed her name in the middle of President Barack Obama and…

Former Secretary of State in the Bush 43 Administration, Condoleeza Rice, was thoroughly vetted to be the vice-presidential running mate for GOP presidential nominee, Mitt…

Mitt Romney lies about as well as Cher Horowitz drives. And speaking of clueless matters, the Republican presidential nominee must take the general public for…


In the 1990s, four young Black and Latino men on their way to a basketball game in the state of New Jersey suddenly became the…


The race to the White House is shaping up to be a clear referendum in Black and White. Though President Barack Obama has faced harsh…

Harvard history professor and political pundit Niall Ferguson has once again found himself in the middle of controversy with fellow academics and the media criticizing…


Less than three months left, less than three months until one of the most-important elections of our lifetimes.  For everyone who thinks they can just…

When Mitt Romney‘s wife, Ann Romney (pictured), was asked about her husband’s refusal to release additional tax returns to the public, she defensively asked NBC’s…

If you’re one those Black Americans who has asked yourself, “What has the Republican National Committee done for me lately?” look no further than their…

It’s always ironic to hear a White man born with certain privileges take shots at those not as fortunate. RELATED: It’s Official: Romney Taps Paul Ryan…