The NYPD cop who shot and killed Ramarley Graham in 2012 will not face a grand jury regarding the case according to a statement from the Manhattan U.S. Attorney's Office. The Graham family was hopeful that prosecutors would convene a jury as part of a potential federal civil rights prosecution of Officer Richard Haste, the New York Daily News reports.

Another iconic celebrity has departed from us. Joan Rivers passed away on Thursday after suffering from complications during a routine throat procedure at the Yorkville Endoscopy. Since her death, the clinic is now under investigation by the State Health Department and supposedly has received death threats.   Joan’s funeral has been set for Sunday, September 7th […]

What can be said about The Roots that hasn’t already been said? Everyone knows they are the go to band for rappers wanting to experiment with live instrumentation. Need we remind you of their performances with Jay-Z for his Unplugged show in 2001 and his Fade to Black concert film? The Philadelphia bred hip-hop musicians […]