Vice President Joe Biden performs better than Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump in hypothetical general-election match-ups.

Radio One

Two brothers in Boston carried out a hate crime against a Hispanic man.

Two Boston men are facing assault charges for beating up a homeless man after citing Donald Trump's stance on immigration as inspiration.

Jan Mickelson, the conservative talk show host, announced a plan to force undocumented immigrants to become "property of the state."

So, a 15 year old using the name ‘Deez Nuts’ is running for President. And 9% of North Carolina would vote for him… —…

Revoking citizenship rights for those who were born here, even if their parents aren't here legally, would hurl the U.S. back to its racist past.


Straight Outta Compton had a phenomenal box office debut. The movie surpassed predictions bringing in $56.1 million after its first weekend

Trump: Illegal Immigrants “Have To Go” Real Estate Mogul and GOP republican presidential candidate, Donald Trump insists that if wins the presidency next year, he…

PolitickerOne: Is Ben Carson a hypocrite? Plus, "Stump for Trump" girls, Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson leave CNN's Don Lemon speechless.

NewsOne’s Top 5 takes a quick look at the trending stories you’re talking about: Trump Says He’ll Fight #BlackLivesMatter If They Go For His Mic; Walker…


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump captured most of the headlines following the first GOP debate... for all the wrong reasons.

PolitickerOne: Trump, Carson, Walker and Paul all dropped the ball on race during the GOP's primetime debate. Plus: Carly Fiorina owns happy hour debate and trends on Google