Bobbi Kristina’s drug use is not a surprise to anyone who’s been following the youngster over the years. A shocking new video has just surfaced…

Thanks to our sister site for this scoop. Whitney Houston’s daughter Bobbi Kristina isn’t the only child of Whitney suffering through the loss of a parent. Whitney Houston’s adopted son Nicholas Gordon is also crushed by the sudden death of one of music’s greatest icons. According to sources, Nicholas was very close to Whitney […]

Being the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown seems like it would come with immense pressure. For the most part we expect Bobbi Kristina to sing and dance like a goddess. I gave up hope that she would be an artist after multiple run-ins with drugs, guns and well…Whitney and Bobby. Even though Bobbi […]

Whitney Houston is in out-patient rehab and her troubled daughter Bobbi Kristina stopped by for a visit. Whitney is rumored to be in rahab not for her past crack addiction but for alcohol abuse! somehow obtained the personal picture of Whitney and Bobbi. Houston looks just as bad as she did outside guarded walls. […]

Yesterday, we reported a story claiming that Bobbi Kristina Brown, the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, was arrested in connection with a drunken fight that involved a gun. Police are saying that Bobbi Kristina was not arrested in the incident.

In today’s WTF news; Whitney Houston and Bobbi Brown’s daughter Bobbi Kristina has found herself caught in a drunken nightmare! THE ENQUIRER is reporting that Bobbi Christina may face up to six years in jail for being arrested for underage intoxication. The budding teen was also on the scene of a gun brawl; luckily she […]

Word on the street is that Bobbi Kristina daughter of Bobby Brown and Whitney Houston and Montana Fishburne daughter of Lawrence Fishburne are BFF’s, and Whitney is pissed off!! “Whitney thought she was getting Krissi away from her loser druggie friends in Atlanta by keeping her busy shooting a reality show in LA,” a family […]

Bobbi Kristina, daughter to Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, may be getting her own reality show. The teenager, who made headlines most recently because of leaked photos displaying her alleged cocaine use, took to Twitter to make the announcement. She wrote, “PS EVERYONE ! Guess what ?! _ we are currently in the process of […]

Bobbi Kristina, daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, may be getting her own reality television show soon. She made the announcement on Twitter.

It’s not a good week to be the spawn of Bobby Brown & Whitney Houston.

Bobby Brown is denying claims that his daughter used cocaine, despite pictures that leaked last week that seem to show Bobbi Kristina Brown, his daughter with Whitney Houston, doing lines of cocaine with friends.

Bobbi Kristina Brown says the photos of her snorting what appears to be cocaine were leaked by an ex-boyfriend. Brown however has yet to confirm or deny the substance in the photos.