Whether you are the one inviting a new person into your home or the one looking to get into a new place, there are certain things that just have to be discussed before a living arrangement is agreed upon. Here are 5 topics to consider before taking the plunge from apartmenttherapy.com: 1) Cleaning habits Some […]

There are advantages and disadvantages to both renting and buying…from when something breaks–who’s going to fix it, to not having to worry about making noise–after all it’s my house and there are no nosy neighbors to worry about. Here are ten reasons to rent instead of own from shine.com: 1. Fancier Living: You may not […]

Usher and his much older girlfriend Grace Miguel may be moving in together.  The couple was spotted apartment hunting in NYC’s trendy Chelsea neighborhood.

If you’re short on space (and who isn’t) you can easily utilize your space while displaying your personal style.

FROM SHINE.COM: Anyone who’s ever moved knows how stressful uprooting all that stuff can be. Another thing they know? How thankful they are for their movers. Between maneuvering heavy furniture down treacherous staircases and hoisting giant boxes of books on each shoulder, movers complete feats that seem unimaginable to the rest of us. But even […]