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What’s yours is mine, baby. This includes your debt. People usually use the phrase “what’s yours is mine” as their reasoning for feeling privileged enough to partake in the riches that their significant other has achieved. Rarely is this phrase so proudly used in the matter of debts, loans and tax liens.

According to the NY Post, Swizz Beatz has again been hit by the tax man. According to public records, the fiancé of Alicia Keys — who’s pregnant with Beatz’s child — was slapped with an IRS lien of $652,727 on June 3 for unpaid 2008 income tax. The music producer, real name Kasseem Dean, has had a string of liens filed against him and his former wife, Mashonda, in New York, Georgia and California. Their debts stand at about $2.2 million.

A lawyer for Beatz said,

“We have been discussing the issue with the government for years and are currently negotiating an amicable resolution of the dispute.”

Alicia Keys: “I Am Very Much In Love”

What’s yours is mine, baby? For some, no. Immediately after this article was published a few cynical commenters referred to Swizz’ debt with his ex-wife as being the reason why he impregnated Alicia so quickly. He wants to marry her purse. I disagree and do believe that he cares for Alicia and her finances are not his reason for being with her, but I can also see why someone’s mind would go there. Here is why….

In marriage you are supposed to be “one.” Once you enter that state of holy matrimony you become a team, and the “I’s” and “me’s” are supposed to transform into “us” and “we.” Does this union also include your partner’s debts? Does this mean that Alicia should also be responsible for Swizz’s debt? Since they are on the verge of marriage it will become hers as well soon after right? In a short word – Yes.

Alicia And Swizz Get Their Baby Blessed In South Africa

Once you enter marriage, a lot of the riches… To Read The Rest Visit YeahSheSaidIt