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Have you thought about trying a Keratin hair straightening treatment? As a Black woman it’s sometimes hard to part with a relaxer if you’ve been getting one for years but this product will leave your hair super straight and much more healthier than a chemical relaxer.

Like a lot of Black women I’ve been relaxing, perming and pressing my hair since I was a little girl. Kid relaxers were no stranger to be even at the age of four or five years. Yes, I could say “F*** it,” and go natural, but I like my hair in a certain style and I don’t have the time or patience to deal with natural locks.

Over the past year my hair has not been dealing well with relaxers. Most, recently I suffered a huge breakage problem that lost a good few months of growth I’ve achieved. My hair stylist suggested I try this thing I’ve never heard before called Keratin straightening. It’s not like the Japanese or Brazilian straightening treatments you may have heard of. Those can contain nasty chemicals that can hurt your hair just as much as a relaxer. This product non-chemically based and penetrates deep into the cuticle of your hair to eliminate up to 95% of frizz.

Now, my stylist at Autonomy Salon in New York City has never used this product on Black hair. It’s primarily used for girls with curly (not kinky) hair for a semi-permanent straightening effect. I was a little skeptical but I thought the worst that could happen is that it doesn’t work and I’ll just go back to my relaxers.

The process is pretty simple but does take a lot of time. First, you get your hair washed and blow dried straight. Then the stylist will apply the product to your hair and let it sit for about 15 minutes. After that, your hair is blow dried and then flat ironed at a super high temperature. Your hair will feel a little heavy with product and won’t move as well but you need to leave it in the three days before washing. You have to wear your hair straight and down. That means no ponytails, no styling or anything. Your hair is still setting with the product for those days.

My hair looked super straight for those three days. The true test was after washing it. Would the product actually hold and make my hair straighter? When it was wet it looked pretty damn straight already. As my stylist started my blow out my hair looked straight, soft, silky and light. I was amazing. Then a quick flat ironing over the whole thing and my hair looked the healthiest it has ever looked. It was shiny and had great movement.

The best part about the Keratin treatment is that my hair is now beach and pool friendly. I don’t have to worry about my hair frizzing out after getting it wet on a hot summer day. It will naturally dry almost damn near pin straight. Then, if I wanted to do a quick blow dry to straighten it, I can actually do that! Before washing and blow drying my hair was an hour+ process that I had to reserve for Sunday nights. I never in a million years thought I’d have wash and go hair.

Keratin is a safe and less damaging hair straightening treatment that will really make your hair maintenance so much easier. Because it’s not a chemical treatment that means you can do things like coloring your hair without worrying about damage. I feel that the Keratin actually seals my cuticle and my hair feels stronger than ever before.

The only downside to the Keratin treatment is that it is expensive. It’s priced according hair length and pretty much starts at $350 and up. The good thing is that it lasts from 4-6 months so you won’t have to do it but more than a few times a year. If you can bite the economical bullet and do it I think it’s so worth it in the longer run to have thicker, healthier and shiner hair.

For more information on the product I used go to Keratin Complex Smoothing Therapy.

For more information on Keratin hair straightening at Autonomy Salon click here.