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Donald Trump’s fast food budget

It’s sort of a White House tradition to have certain sports teams visit the president’s pad after a major championship win.

It was no different this Monday when Donald Trump invited college football champions The Clemson Tigers to the White House.

Now you’d think with an invite from the president, you’d be treated to a grandiose meal…or at least, something you can’t pick up at the quick-stop drive-through.

But naw.

Trump gifted the college champions with McDonald’s, Burger King, Wendy’s and Dominoes pizza when they visited him…

And then he had the nerve to serve it on a silver platter.


Trump claims the athletes received such cheap offerings because of the partial government shutdown, resulting in the White House kitchen not operating.

But some people pointed out that the Trump International Hotel is right down the street from the White House, so why not have that kitchen staff whip up something for the successful athletes.

But naw, billionaire Trump had to be a cheapskate and serve the team crusty patties and cold fries.

And don’t give me that “everyone loves fast food” argument because 1. a lot of it isn’t healthy and 2. THIS IS THE GOT DAMN WHITE HOUSE.

Fast food is what you get at 11 p.m. after you visit the White House, and that’s just for a nice nightcap.

Then Trump had the nerve to send out a tweet that has since been deleted, writing:

“Great being with the National Champion Clemson Tigers last night at the White House. Because of the Shutdown I served them massive amounts of Fast Food (I paid), over 1000 hamberders etc. Within one hour, it was all gone. Great guys and big eaters!”

First off…


Secondly, if you put food in front of hungry people, what are they going to do?

I’ll wait.


Trump is trash.

Soulja Boy Trends & Trump Dishes Chump Change: This Week’s Winners & Losers  was originally published on

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