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NewsOne Now‘s Roland Martin and CNN’s Jake Tapper will host a Democratic presidential town hall Sunday ahead of Tuesday’s pivotal primary races in Florida, Illinois, Missouri, North Carolina, and Ohio. 

Here are six things to be on the lookout for moderators to ask Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders:

1. Black Voters

Look for Martin to ask each candidate why they deserve the Black vote. Because the demographic is critical to winning the nomination and then the general election, Clinton and Sanders are locked in a battle for Black voters. Clinton, who has long enjoyed the support of Black voters because of her husband’s political legacy, is concerned about low turnout among Black voters. Sanders, who has had some missteps in the Black community, is working hard to win over the demographic.

Question mark at the ballot box

2. Jobs

Ohio, Missouri, Illinois are Rust Belt states that have been decimated by the loss of manufacturing jobs over the last several decades. Look for Martin and Tapper to hammer away at the candidates to determine what they will do to improve the economy in these states.

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3. Donald Trump

The Republican presidential front-runner has come under heavy scrutiny in recent days over violence by his mostly White supporters against mostly African-American protesters at his campaign rallies. Expect the candidates to weigh in on this important issue.

Donald Trump in Palm Beach, Florida.

4. Criminal Justice 

Speaking of Trump, who spends a lot of time on the campaign trail singing the praises of police, both Democratic candidates have stressed the importance of overhauling the criminal justice system to make it equal for people of color. Clinton will likely face questions about her use of the term “super predator” several years ago to defend her husband’s policies. Clinton, as the former first lady, and Sanders, as the Vermont senator, have both come under heavy criticism for supporting former President Bill Clinton’s crime bill, which has seen scores of African-Americans and Hispanics locked behind bars for non-violent crimes. Expect Martin to discuss this issue.

Full Frame Shot Of Prison Bars

5. Social Justice

Look for Martin to continue to address the importance of the Black Lives Matter movement among the candidates.

NYC Protestors


5 Things To Expect At The TV One Democratic Town Hall  was originally published on