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I’m a 5’7, 225 pounds diabetic woman. I’m having a hard time getting rid of stomach fat. Any suggestions? This is my problem area.

There is no such thing as spot reduction or losing fat in one area. But you can still do it as a diabetic. Increase whole grains and fiber content of your foods. Do interval training for 30 minutes 4 days a week. Join our SHRED Purple Smoothie Challenge at

Do natural sugars give you natural fat ?

It doesn’t work that way. Sugar can turn into fat when you don’t expend enough energy to consume it. But it’s really about the calories. Anything that has extra calories can lead to increased fat.

My question for Dr Ian is are there any plans in his book for vegans?

Absolutely. Lots of vegans are on the SHRED Power Cleanse. You will LOVE it!

Is the detox expensive?

Not at all. People of all income levels are doing it. I designed it for EVERYONE!

Dr. Ian, I am a diabetic and love smoothies but the sugar from the fruits and veggies raises my sugar level. Any alternative?

Increase the amount of whole grains you eat. Decrease the fruit content of the smoothies and choose those with whole grains like oats.  You can do it. There are lots of diabetics on our Facebook Support Group SHRED Purple Smoothie Challenge.

If you can not eat seafood will you still be able to participate?

Absolutely. There are tons of options. You do not need to eat seafood at all. The idea is that you have options.

What’s the best way to lose stubborn belly fat?

A weight loss program that increases protein and lowers bad carbs. And a moderate exercise program.

Dr. Ian Smith, I’m a 61-year-old lady with arthritis in my hips and who needs

to lose about 50 pounds before I have another hip surgery. Will this book help me? I need something easy.

You will definitely benefit. We have lots and lots of people your age and older and with similar circumstances.

I don’t cook. What can I do other than eating salads all the time?

There are more than salads on the SHRED Power Cleanse. You will see all of the options in the book.

Dr. I want to start drinking smoothies but don’t need to lose anymore weight. My current weight is 125.

You won’t lose weight if you don’t need to. You can still follow the SHRED Power Cleanse and feel great without losing weight!

I’m a 39-year-old black male who workout and juice daily but have plateaued. I’ve been reading about leptin hormones causing slow metabolism!! Is it true and if so, how can I decrease them?

Don’t worry about leptin. What you need to do is change your diet and exercise routine. Your body needs a challenge. SHRED Power Cleanse is PERFECT for you!

I am currently on the master cleanse lemonade, cayenne pepper, maple syrup right now. Did you say that it’s not good?

Don’t do it!!!!! You need to look at the SHRED POWER CLEANSE. Check it out yourself and see the difference.

Dr. Ian Smith is the #1 NY Times bestselling author SHRED, Super SHRED and now the SHRED Power Cleanse as well as other books.

 Follow him on:

Twitter @DrIanSmith

Instagram @doctoriansmith.

Visit his website at and join the SHRED Purple Smoothie Challenge.

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Get Well Wednesday: Dr. Ian Smith Talks Shred Cleanse  was originally published on

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