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Katrina Pierson

As Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump continues to struggle in the polls in early voting states against Ben Carson, he has recruited a Black female Tea Partier as his campaign spokeswoman, according to Politico.

The woman, Katrina Pierson, is known for her hardline stance on immigration.

“Islam preys on the weak and uses political correctness as cover,” she wrote on Facebook. “Two things that Americans won’t be concerned with when @realDonaldTrump is in the White House.”

From Politico:

To the Trump campaign, the newly hired Pierson — a onetime [Texas Sen. Ted] Cruz loyalist who stood with the Texas senator onstage the night of his election in 2012 — brings a tough-talking conservative message delivered with a Texas twang and a polished presence on camera and social media.

Her addition last week indicates Trump’s resolve to keep the party’s activist base in his camp and away from the Texas senator, whom many see as the natural heir to Trump’s anti-establishment supporters should the mogul’s candidacy fade.

People who know Pierson, a media-savvy former Democrat with plans of launching her own fashion line, describe her as a much better fit for Trump than for Cruz.

Trump and Carson continue to dominate polls, with Trump holding a slight edge in some surveys. Do you think Pierson’s tough talk on immigration will help Trump pull away from Carson?

SOURCE: Politico | PHOTO CREDIT: Getty


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Tea Partier Katrina Pierson Is Trump’s New Press Secretary  was originally published on