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What if African Americans all over this country told mainstream colleges and universities that our student athletes would not attend unless those institutions made contributions to the cities where those kids come from? What if our college athletes refused to sign with an NFL or NBA team unless they made donations to causes that equaled the playing field, literally and figuratively, at HBCUs?

We have that power! It’s the power of the wallet and we need to start exercising it more and more.

What would happen to the NFL and NBA if players refused to suit up in cities where we continue to see injustice, like in Cleveland, where it’s taking far too long for the Tamir Rice case to go to trial?

If we truly realized what power we had and joined forces to use it, we would see the kinds of changes we’re looking for in record time. There’s nothing wrong with using what we have to get what we need.

As Dr. King said, change comes when we legislate, educate and agitate! 

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Now That We Have Power, What Are We Going To Do With It?  was originally published on

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