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Dear Tom,

My husband Jay and I are the proud parents of 6 beautiful children.   We recently decided to have one more child and we were ecstatic when we found out I was expecting.   At our second doctor visit, we learned that we were expecting twins!   We were shocked to say the least, but certainly excited.

However, shock was a true understatement when we returned to the doctor two weeks later for another ultrasound and discovered that we are not expecting twins—we are expecting triplets!

I will never forget my paralyzing amazement.   We feel truly grateful to have been given this blessing.    However, the reality is we are nervous about the upcoming expenses.    First, as an expectant mom of higher order multiples I am tasked with eating 4,000 calories a day!  This is to ensure the growing fetuses can gain appropriate weight rapidly.

Our grocery bills are already very high with a family of 8 and this makes it rise even higher.   Secondly, over 90% of triplets are born early which usually equals long hospital stays for the babies and possibly the mother, again another large expense.

Third, we will soon need to set up a triplet nursery with 3 of everything!  Not to mention the need for hundreds of diapers, wipes, bottles and the numerous other never-ending baby supplies.

Tom, we truly need a high-efficiency washer and dryer.  The set we have now was bought used a few years ago and makes the most awful noises during the cycles.    It also only washes small loads of clothes, meaning I sometimes spend an entire weekend just trying to get several loads of laundry washed and dried.

Receiving a washer and dryer as our Christmas wish would be an immediate, life changing benefit for our family.    We would be eternally grateful for any help that we receive.

CHRISTMAS WISH: Jennifer Jones  was originally published on