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Source: Andrew Toth / Getty

A parent can only do so much when it comes to raising their children to be a well-adjusted adult who exercises common sense. Raven-Symoné’s folks know this better than anyone after feeling some of the backlash for her recent discriminatory comments on “The View.”

When Raven gleefully said she wouldn’t hire anyone with an ethnic or ghetto-sounding name despite their qualifications, her father Christopher Pearman felt the heat! People flooded his Facebook inbox to question how he could possibly have raised a daughter that would repeatedly say such completely outrageous things. It’s not the first time the Raven has said something ignorant her ethnicity or Black issues, but this most recent comment seems to have struck a nerve.

If you thought Black Twitter was bad about dragging Raven this time, people with access to her dad had even less chill than people on social media. In an effort to respond the reaction, he posted an open letter on his Facebook page.

MUST READ: Your Loss! Raven-Symoné Wouldn’t Hire These 18 Successful Women With Ethnic Names

There were a few things that he wanted to make clear: A) He doesn’t agree with her views. B) He’s no longer her manager. C) He did the best he could, but she’s a grown woman with her own mind.

His letter to the public stated:

“To My Dear Friends,

There has been much talk today about my daughters comments on her show The View. People have been hitting me up all night questioning me about her remarks. Let me say this……I haven’t managed Ravens career in over 10 years. This woman is grown, has her own management team, has her own opinions, right or wrong, and is responsible for her own words and actions. A woman wrote to me tonight and said she couldn’t support my book because of the words of my daughter. What she fails to realize is that my book is about teaching your child to believe and achieve. Raven has achieved incredible success, and this cannot be denied!

Children grow up and become influenced by many things, situations and people. I certainly don’t agree with what she said….but she is damn near thirty years old. She’s a grown ass woman making grown ass mistakes. We all have been guilty of this.

I did my best as her father, mentor and career manager. I believe I did a Wonderful job. Aside from this inexcusable gaffe, her 29 years in the entertainment industry has been quite successful, for there have been only an Elite Few Child Stars to last this long and have little to no controversy. For this, I am Very Proud!

Raven is a really Beautiful, Sweethearted, Human Being. I should know. Her Mother and I Love her Very much and will always support her and have her back. Even if sometimes……….she says some dumb S#%T!”

You know it’s bad when even your parents say you’re wrong. Get it together, Raven.


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Raven-Symoné’s Dad Admits ‘She Says Some Dumb S#%T’!  was originally published on