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Supreme court

Source: Getty Images/Thorney Lieberman / Getty Images

Children of gay parents are speaking out as the Supreme Court considers the legalization of same-sex marriage in Tennessee, Michigan, Ohio and Kentucky.Traditional-marriage advocates of all stripes rallied outside the Supreme Court in Washington on Tuesday, calling for the institution of marriage to be maintained.


Charisma News reported two daughters of women filed a “friend of the court” brief stating that their childhood living situation caused them harm.  Heather Barwick and Katy Faust wrote, “While we love and cherish our mothers, we feel it’s imperative that we bring to the court’s attention the impact that redefining marriage will have on children like us.”

 We oppose gay marriage on the grounds that it violates children’s rights and cannot provide children with the most foundational building blocks for child development—a mother and father living with and loving them.”
Brandy Walton  wrote a heartbreaking open letter to  the LGBT  community:
Dear LGBT Community,I am not your daughter. I never carried a flag in one of your gay pride parades. I have never written a letter on your behalf to a congressman or anyone else, and I have never felt the need to make people accept the fact I am the daughter of a lesbian. Perhaps it’s because she never felt the need to force people to accept her for being one.

No, I would never align myself to a community as intolerant and self-absorbed as the LGBT community, a community that demands tolerance with fervor and passion, yet does not give it in return, even to its own members at times. In fact, this community attacks anyone who does not agree with them, no matter how lovingly any difference of opinion is expressed.

Walton  describes unutterable pain when she writes:
I yearned for the affection that my friends received from their dads. I wanted to know what it was like to be held and cherished by a man, what it was like to live with one from day to day.
She later discovers what she missed:
Having children and seeing a man parent a child for the first time was beautiful and awe-inspiring. It only reinforced my belief that a child needs a mother and a father, and that same-sex parenting and single parenting are far inferior to heterosexual parenting when done correctly.
This essay is fascinating read. You can read the open letter in  its entirety here“The Kids Are Not Alright.
The case  which has stirred the pot deals with same-sex couples’ lawsuits against four states — Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky and Tennessee — over laws defining marriage as between a man and a woman. The 6th Circuit previously upheld the laws, saying that the states had the power to define marriage. The Supreme Court agreed to hear the cases in January, in order to decide under the 14th Amendment if states must grant marriage licenses to same-sex couples and recognize such marriages conducted in other states. The case could result in a nationwide redefinition of marriage. The court will likely issue a ruling in June.
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Daughter Of Lesbian Petitions Supreme Court With Heartbreak:’Yearned To Be Held And Cherished By A Dad’  was originally published on