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The spat, according to Diamond Stone, started when Angie Stone entered her daughter’s room, demanded that she clean it up and ordered her to control her children, who were running around the singer’s Rogers Lake Road home half naked.

“Ms. Diamond Stone then went on to state that Ms. Angie Stone started (getting) in her face, telling her she needed to leave because she is tired (of) her,” police said in the report. “Ms. Diamond Stone then stated her and Ms. Angie Stone started to argue, and that’s when a physical altercation started to occur.”

Angie Stone, 53, told police she did not know she hit her daughter with a metal stand.

“Once she realized this,” police said in the report, “she quickly put the stand down and attempted to get away from Ms. Diamond Stone. Ms. Angie Stone then stated while she tried to get away, Ms. Diamond Stone continued to come after her as if to strike her again but stated that Ms. Blondy Chisolm came to break up the fight.”


Stone was arrested in Atlanta in 2011 for speeding and driving on a suspended license while on her way to church.

Somehow, we see a Iyanla: Fix My Life in the future for these two.

Tell us: Is it ever OK for family members to get into physical altercations? Can a grown mother and daughter ever live peacefully together? 

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UPDATE: Angie Stone’s Daughter Speaks Out After Physical Assault by Mother  was originally published on

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