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Acne is the most common dermatologic diagnosis in people of color. 

A survey of nearly 700 million physician visits between 1993 and 2009 found that, among visits to dermatologists, acne was the most common dermatologic diagnosis in skin of color patients (22% in African Americans, 19% in Asians or Pacific Islanders, 22% in Hispanics) and the second most common diagnosis in Caucasians.

It is a myth that acne only affects teenagers.  In fact, most people who seek treatment for acne are adult women. 

In an analysis of health claims data for approximately 9.6 million unique patients captured from over 80 public and private healthcare plans in the US in 2004, 62% of those seeking treatment were over the age of 18 and 65% were women. Hormones can exacerbate acne because androgens increase oil production and clog pores. Severe acne and facial hair may be a sign of polycystic ovarian syndrome, a common hormonal disorder that is associated with insulin resistance and diabetes.

Diet plays a role in acne. A high glycemic diet is associated with acne. A high glycemic diet includes foods that cause insulin to spike like sugar and simple carbohydrates. A low glycemic diet may help acne (vegetables, fish, whole grains).

Don’t be afraid to use a moisturizer if you have acne. Recent studies show that moisturizers that contain ceramides often help improve results when patients are being treated for acne.

(Example of moisturizers with ceramides: Specific Beauty Professional Moisture Complex or CeraVe lotion).

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Get Well Wednesday: What Your Skin Can Say About Your Health  was originally published on

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