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I mean he said “themselves” not “together.”  That’s “themselves” as in black people take full responsibility. This guy is delusional.

Here’s an idea. Instead of focusing on black people’s use of the word, like so many white people in the media love to do, let’s get to the root of why we use it in the first place. My guess is, there’s some psychological reason why this word is part of black culture. An even better guess is it stems back to slavery when black people weren’t called anything else but a nigga.

That’s the only N-word conversation I might entertain. The “why” conversation. What I won’t entertain is Piers Morgan or any other non-black person for that matter, telling me what I have to do about it.

Am I saying the N-word is cool? No. What I am saying is that black people shouldn’t have to answer to a white person about it. And they most definitely don’t have to take responsibility for “killing” a word they didn’t create.

Do I think Piers Morgan is a racist? I personally don’t care if he is or not. I do, however, think he’s an unqualified idiot to even start this conversation. A better op-ed subject and title is: Where The Hell Is Darren Wilson & Why Is He Not Rotting In A Jail Cell?

Get over yourselves white people. We’ve got bigger things on our plate right now.

No Piers Morgan, It’s Actually Not My Responsibility To Kill The N-Word  was originally published on

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